
Data safety

We attach great importance to the safety of our customers’ data, so our system will automatically back up all appointment data every day

Alibaba Cloud

Our service is running in the world’s leading Alibaba Cloud platform to provide safe, stable and reliable services


Web optimization

Provide the fast and smooth online booking experience for your customers


Money saving

Customers can make appointment of your services any time, saving manpower cost but also increasing the number of appointment

Suitable for various businesses

Our system can be established in a short time and provide a smooth online appointment experience for your customers, and you do not need to invest too much or make too many changes to your current workflow to integrate online and offline appointments

  • Fast establishment time (usually available within 3-5 working days)
  • Have a unique website that can be shared to major social media, allowing customers to book your services online instantly
  • Support multi-platform appointment (support iOS, Android, Windows)
  • SMS/E-mail notification
  • Can be integrated into your Facebook page, WeChat and official website, attracting guests from all over the world
  • Support multiple employees and multiple locations to make appointments
  • Coupon
  • Services hours, employee vacations can be flexibly set according to your business requirement

Integrate into various social media platforms immediately to attract customers from all sides

Can be integrated into your Facebook page, WeChat and official website

Our plans

We don’t like to limit functions at different prices, so our solutions include complete functions without any restrictions to help you to develop your business

  • Feature Included

    • Online booking interface
    • Centralized of all online and offline appointments
    • Unlimited Booking
    • Unlimited Employees
    • Multiple Location (Shop)
    • Coupons
    • Notification through SMS*/Email
    • Best Support (Office Hour)


    *SMS notification requires an additional charge

We provide a 30-day money-back guarantee

If you are not satisfied with our booking system or feel not suitable, you can apply to us for a refund of your paid subscription fee within 30 days from the day the management account of the booking system is created, minus the the SMS notification charges (if any).

Custom-made Services

Build the booking website for your brand

  • Create a customized booking website consistent with your brand
  • Add your brand elements (logo, image and related introduction)
  • Build a picture library to show your services
  • Provide many design templates for you to choose
  • You can be free the web server monthly rental if you subscribe to booking service.
Contact me
Please click below WhatsApp button to talk with us.